One search box to rule them all

Help users find the right answer across your docs, guides, Github & Discord, in the closet, under the sofa and everywhere knowledge is created and shared.

Let us take care of the magic

All you have to do is connect your community data, docs, guide, blogs and more...








Sounds Familiar?

“We shipped an API update last week that isn’t reflected in the docs quite yet.”

Keep Your Knowledge Base Up-to-date

Your community shares advice, ideas, bug fixes, and inspiration — but most of your users aren’t in your community (yet!). What if you could surface that knowledge to everyone who needs to find it?

Stop support tickets before they start

When users can find answers in the real-time conversations across your community, they’re less likely to submit a ticket.

Connect users to context

Because we deep-link to the conversation, every search result is an opportunity for a user to find and join your community.

Overhaul your user experience

Let’s face it: most docs searches are…okay, and yet, users have to search all the time. Improving your search is the easiest way to improve your UX today.

Docs + Conversations + LLMs = ✨

Docs and conversations in a single view

We provide highlighted semantic search results for your users, enabling quick keyboard navigation between relevant knowledge sources. đź‘Ś

Fully-threaded conversational contexts

See the full threads, member avatar, timestamps, and message hierarchy, so users can understand the full context.

AI-assisted moderation

Make sure the right conversations are surfaced to the right users, while keeping out the noise.

Implement in minutes

Deploy anywhere! We help you index your reference data, like docs, guides, and blog posts, ready to deploy in minutes.

Works with your current search

Using Algolia DocSearch? No problem — we'll integrate the docs results with community results in one unified view.

Community Search is fast and free

Everything in the current version of Community Search will remain free forever, but stay tuned for premium features like a context-aware AI assistant, Discord and Slack community bots, and detailed search and conversational insights.