
The things that people in a community do, like go to a conference, speak at a meetup, open a pull request, or answer a forum question.


The number of members who attend an event.

Active Members

The number of people who performed one or more activities in a community within a specific period of time.


A group of people who follow an individual, organization, or idea without inter-relational bonds, making it distinct from community.


A ratio of the number of members no longer active in a community after a specific period of time versus members involved at the start of that period of time. 


A group of people gathered around a common goal with member-to-member relationships.

Community Generated Content (CGC)

The number of content items, like blog posts, conference talks, etc. created by community members.


The attractive force of a community that acts to retain existing members and bring in new ones.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

A measure of performance over time for a specific objective.


A member’s overall level of engagement and impact in the community.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

A single metric that measures the quality of a member’s experience, calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from promoters.

New Members

The number of people who joined a community within a specific period of time.


How frequently a member was active on each community platform over a specific period of time.


A measure of a community member’s sphere of influence that takes into account their reputation, credibility, and degree of connectedness. This can come from social media followers, reputation score on Stack Overflow, or job seniority.


A ratio of the number of members active at the end of a specific period of time versus members involved at the start of that period of time.